Creating Payers

The Very First Step

Creating a Payer is commonly the first step in creating a Payment.

Before Plastiq Connect can help process a Payment on behalf of your customer, we must first know about the individual or business initiating a transaction.

Getting Started

In order to create a Payer via Plastiq Connect, you will need to provide an email or phone for the Payer in the contact object. Plastiq recommends to collect both email and phone for improved payment experience and payer verification.

Depending on the type of customer your platform services, we recommend collecting different sets of information.

Plastiq Connect recommends you design your Payments experience to adequately manage consumer and/or business customer needs where relevant. Businesses and consumers will have different requirements.


A business is defined as an organization or enterprising entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.

If this is your customer, we recommend you associate the business as the primary Payer entity in Plastiq Connect's systems.

Business Information

Plastiq Connect recommends the collection of the following to create a business Payer:

  • the business name (businessName)
  • the business owner or business stakeholder's name (contact.firstName...)
  • the business owner or stakeholder's contact information (
  • the business's address of operation (businessAddress)


Unlike businesses, a consumer is defined as a personal entity engaged in non-professional activities.

If this is your customer, we recommend you associate the consumer as the primary Payer entity in Plastiq Connect's systems.

Consumer Information

Plastiq Connect recommends the collection of the following to create a consumer Payer:

  • the consumer's name (contact.firstName...)
  • the consumer's contact information (
  • the consumer's primary residence (businessAddress)

Plastiq's single POST Payers API flexibly manages and serves business and consumer Payer entities.

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What’s Next
