
Get up and running quickly and easily.

Setup your Partner Portal account

Step 1: We'll send you a Welcome email

You'll receive an email from us to create a password. Set your password, and login to the Partner Portal.

Step 2: Add your team

You can add team members with varying levels of permissions to your Portal account so that they can create and view resources.

Step 3: Create an API Key

You'll need to provision and API key to access our API. Navigate to the API Keyssection and create one. Be sure to save it somewhere secure, as you'll only be able to view it once.

Step 4: Add your IPs to the Allowlist

By adding IP addresses to the allowlist, you can securely make API requests to Plastiq Connect. For development purposes, these can be your personal IP addresses, but ultimately you should restrict the allowlist to your web servers so that you can be sure your integration is secure.

Begin your integration

Step 5: Decide which type of integration you want

Plastiq Connects offers both embeddable UI widgets and an API you can directly integrate with. Depending on your needs, choose which integration you want to implement. You can read more about the widgets and and API integration here.

Please note that the integrations are not mutually exclusive, and you may want to have a mix of both to fit your use case.

Step 6: Follow our specific guides for getting started

Quickstart: Connect Checkout